Svastha News im Mai

Retain your Composure: 'Sthiram und Sukham'

Patanjali Yoga Sutra 2.46

2.46 स्थिरसुखमासनम्

sthira = firm, stable, awake
sukham = relaxed, pleasant, light / permeable, joyful
āsanam = posture, sitting position

According to Patanjali these are the qualities of a yoga posture. When we practice, we realize that it is not always easy to maintain both a stable alertness as well as a pleasant, relaxed posture. However, when we succeed, it feels very special within our body.


In my perception, these qualities are needed to maintain our composure these days. Sthiram, the quality of being stable and rooted, helps us to stay calm, not to lose the ground below our feet, and to stay focussed. Sukham prevents us from hardening, helps us to stay open to change, allow and discuss different viewpoints . With stirham and sukham we feel present. We are aware of our inner state aswell are open to what is around us, compassionate and attentive at the same time.

I think, this is a good attitude for the current situation both in Germany and the  world.  It gives us inner freedom and resilience.

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