Svastha News Juni/Juli

Ayurveda in summer

The lightness of summer intuitively needs light, fresh food. Ayurveda always makes sure that we eat 'balanced': ​​


  • Cold and raw dishes are "warmed up" with appropriate spices, making digestion easier. As in the picture: the cold / heavy mozzarella needs the warming balsamic vinegar and the digestive basil in order to be broken down more easily -
    even the Italians can be Ayurvedic ;) .
  • Our digestive power is not as strong in summer as it is in winter. This has to do with the fact that we have to do more for heat balance. In Ayurveda Physiology, digestion and heat balance are both subject to the Dosha Pitta and that 'cannot both be good and strong at the same time'. That is why you can eat raw food in summer (always seasoned accordingly), but in general light food: instead of heavy meat, cheese, ice cream go with steamed vegetables.
  • Summer is under the reign of PITTA Dosha. The heat outside increases the Pitta dosha in us. Pitta can be easily balanced by the taste BITTER. The new sweet is bitter! So go with green leafy vegetables and choose bitter salads such as dandelions, arugula, radicchio ...
  • Pitta also loves coriander green and coconut water and coconut milk. It is not for nothing that these ingredients are indispensable in the kitchen of very hot countries. Bon the same token  - be a bit lighter these days with Chilli and co.;)