The three doshas and agni


In Ayurveda, AGNI (Sanskrit = fire) describes our capacity to "digest" food. In involves all physiological processes that are necessary to absorb and digest the nutrients from the food, transfer the nurtrients into the blood, bring them to the cells and use them there to build new tissue or generate energy to live. 

Naturally, the biochemical processes were not expressed to the details known today 2000 years ago. Yet, Ayurvedic physicians had a clear understanding on the impact of digestive capacity on the general health status. Simply said, we should be able to let go of anything that cannot be digested, otherwise this would clogg the system. Or the other way round, do not take something in that you cannot digest.

Modern medicine is slowly coming to grips with the importance of nutrition and food on our health. Long-term studies, now published in Lancet, show that poor nutrition is the greatest risk factor for disease in the world. 

According a balanced digestive power (= Sama Agni) is shown by the following skills:

  • Punctual feeling of hunger, 2-3 times a day depending on the constitution
  • Punctual and easy bowel movements (1-3 times a day)
  • Well shaped bowels
  • No indigestion

"Samaagni" is prerequisite for a healthy utilization of nutrients.