Yoga as an alternative movement program ...
Yoga addresses the body and mind in the sense of mind-body medicine. Yoga has been shown to reduce clinical parameters such as blood sugar, blood pressure and blood lipids on a physical level. Regular yoga practice has also been shown to reduce stress and alleviate psychological symptoms.
The ADA (American Diabetes Association) guidelines recommend yoga as an alternative exercise programme for older people with diabetes, particularly for improving mobility and balance.
... strengthening and calming the mind.
A mindful yoga practice - performed in standing, on a chair or lying down - uses more energy than just sitting or lying down.
- Metabolism is stimulated and sugar is transported from the blood to the muscles.
- In addition to physical stimulation, yoga promotes relaxation, reduces stress levels and increases the ability to concentrate.
- In a feedback loop, relaxation improves circulation, lowers blood pressure and pulse.
- When we practise yoga, we become calmer and the carousel of thoughts slows down. We become more aware of how we feel and what we really need.
Listen up: Podcasts about Yoga for Diabetes (in German)
When we feel good, it is easier for us to move more and do yoga more often. When we are calmer and more relaxed, it is easier to eat a sugar-conscious diet and say no to our favourite snack.
There are two podcasts of mine on about the benefits of yoga for diabetes.
Bildquellen: Zen ©Freepik; Folie ©Anja Orttmann-Heuser